Contract Calculation

For a typical transaction of CFD, we have a set of states S\mathbb{S}:

  • SopenS_{open} is the state at the time which the position is opened.

  • ScloseS_{close} is the state at the time which the position is closed.

  • StS_t is the state of each moment tt during the holding period of position.

For each transaction with a given set S\mathbb{S}, trader deposit initial margin mm at SopenS_{open} and withdraw the remaining equity ee at ScloseS_{close}.

The amount of remaining equity ee is determined by mm, SopenS_{open}, ScloseS_{close} and SliquidationS_{liquidation}, which can be described as follows:

e={f(m,Sopen,Sclose),SliquidationS0,SliquidationSe=\begin{cases} \boldsymbol{f}(m,S_{open},S_{close}),&S_{liquidation}\notin\mathbb{S}\\ \\ 0,&S_{liquidation}\in\mathbb{S} \end{cases}
  • SliquidationS_{liquidation} means the state that the liquidation is triggered.

To illustrate, if the liquidation is not triggered during the holding period of position, then ee shall be a function of mm, SopenS_{open} and ScloseS_{close}, while if the liquidation is triggered during the holding period of position, then e=0e=0.

Since mm, SopenS_{open}, ScloseS_{close} and SliquidationS_{liquidation} are always known for any given moment of a position, ee can be calculated accordingly.

The calculation process of remaining equity ee is called contract calculation.