$DRF Contract Address (BNB Chain)
$DRF Tokenomics
$DRF value support comes from "buy-back & burn" and staking. For details, please refer to the Tokenomics on the whitepaper.
Where can I use $DRF?
Staking $DRF to mint eDRF for free, which can be used for governance voting and more. For details, please refer to eDRF & Governance
Locking up $DRF grants you the credential to become Margin Advisor. For more information, please refer to the introduction of Margin Advisor
$DRF can be used as a prize pool token for initiating Grant events
Act as collateral to participate in perpetual trading
Used for service purchases including but not limited to margin token listing, trading token listing, service discount, etc
New benefits are rolling out...
$DRF - Principles of Usage
Token usage and release are according to the rules of the white paper. Any additional usage will be updated promptly and announced to the community.
Unused tokens will be locked up (for later usage) or directly burned. Corresponding news will be announced here.
In the later stage, the use of community funds will be decided upon by the DAO
Purchase $DRF
You can purchase $DRF or provide liquidity for $DRF to get yield farming rewards
Staking $DRF, you can mint the same amount of eDRF every day. Through eDRF, you gain the rights to participate in the DAO (brokers, broker development, assessment, evaluation, etc.) and voting rights in governance. Click here to stake $DRF